Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summer Travel Schedule Heats Up

Well, we've five weeks into summer now and so far it's been pretty relaxing. I've been able to catch up on both my sleep and my reading, which were two things high on the list for summer. But starting this weekend, the major traveling begins. Just look at this mess:

June 17-20: Heroes Con, Charlotte, NC
June 23-28: Wizard World Chicago
June 30-July 4: wife's family reunion, Huntsville, AL
July 17-20: My 20-year high school reunion, Kansas City, MO
July 21-25: World International Studies Conference presentation, Ljubljana, Slovenia
July 26-Aug 1: Short holiday in Paris

Needless to say, I will be on the road more than I am at home for the next six weeks. Most of it will be fun activities rather than work, per se, but still, it's a lot of time out of the house, and a lot of time on a plane. I dislike flying.

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