Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heroes Con This Weekend!

The summer convention season begins in earnest for me as this weekend is Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC. It's both the closest con to my house (it's about a two hour drive for me) and arguably my favorite con of the year. Why? Lots of reasons. For one thing, it's a very friendly con--Sheldon and his crew take very good care of the guests and exhibitors.

Second, it's an accessible show. That means that it's not overly crowded. Anyone who has been to San Diego knows exactly what I mean--it's so crowded there that you can't move on occasion, much less meet guests, go to panels, or heaven forbid, go through the dollar boxes on the floor. Heroes Con doesn't have that problem. The number of people, and the space available for those people, is just about perfect.

Third, it has the best charity auction in comics. Everyone, from the big names to the small ones, usually do a piece for the auction. Granted, stuff from Adam Hughes and a few others goes for ridiculous money, but many of the pieces are very affordable and very good. You'll even get a chance to see some of the people creating their charity pieces before your very eyes--it's fun to watch.

Fourth and finally, it's a very indie friendly show. Tons of small press people are there, and the crowd is very indie-appreciative. That usually makes for a profitable week for most of them.

If you're at the show, I'll be at table SP-31. Come by, say hello, and buy a few books!

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