Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Blog...You can Leave Comments now!

I hope for everyone's sake this works...

Here's the backlog of old posts just so everyone can stay up to date.

Friday, March 21, 2008

March Madness is Here!

This is way off topic, I realize, but this is my favorite time of the year for sports. Not only is baseball season about to start, but soccer season is starting to wind down and relegation and promotion battles are heating up, and, of course, the annual college basketball tournament--arguably the greatest annual event in sport--has arrived. I love it when the cinderellas win, except when it's my team that's playing, of course.

So if you have a kind shred in your soul and/or heart and root for Vandy as we play the Siena Saints tonight. You know it's the right thing to do ;)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Advert Space Now Available!

SubCulture now has ad space available, via Project Wonderful, for anyone who would like to promote their stuff, whatever it might be, with us. We've got our fingers crossed that this will generate a little income and help us to keep the strip going for as long as possible.

Stan and I also completed our first full-color strip for ComicsNOW! Magazine. Look for it in Issue 3, which is solicited in this month's Previews.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Help Us Out!

We're trying to get more hits for the webstrip and make more people aware of it being around. One of the things I did was register SubCulture with a bunch of the Webstrip circles and sites on the internet.

If you're bored, and have nothing else to do, go to the links below the blog and click on them. Give SubCulture a vote, or add it to your favorites if you are so inclined. It will move SubCulture up the list, and hopefully result in even more its and even (dare I say it) advertisements at some point.

Thanks again, and we're glad you're enjoying the strip

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Back to Work

I'm back from Aruba and back to work again. I definitely could have used another few days, but hopefully I'm recharged enough to get me through the rest of the semester. I highly recommend Aruba as a place where you can do very little, and still feel satisfied.

On an unrelated note, it doesn't look like either of us are going to make New York ComicCon. However, Stan has added the Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland to his schedule. I'll be in Pittsburgh that same weekend.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Still On Vacation!

Heading home tomorrow, but I really don't want to think about that right now. Spring Break has been great, and my batteries are recharged to (hopefully) get me through the rest of the school year. Enjoy today's strip, and please, tell Stan and I whether or not you are enjoying them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm On Vacation!

I'm in beautiful Aruba this week for Spring Break. But never fear. Today's and Friday's new strips will go up without fail. So sit back and enjoy!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Things Looking Good!

Judging by the number of hits we got on Tuesday, there certainly does seem to be some interest in the goings-on amongst Jason, Arthur, Noel, and the gang. Here's hoping momentum continues, hits continue to rise, and we can sustain the strip indefinitely. We've already gotten a nice writeup from the friendly folks at SubCulture also was featured on the comixtreme podcast, Episode 57. Give it a listen! It's about two-thirds of the way into the podcast, in their featured picks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Welcome to the SubCulture Webstrip!

Stan and I have been talking about this for a while--turning SubCulture from a traditional comic to a full-time webstrip. We both believed that the subject material would translate well into this format, and there certainly are tons of untold stories that are begging to see the light of day. So, with the blessing of our friends at Ape Entertainment, today marks the official launch of the SubCulture webstrip.

We've decided to start the strip out at twice a week. This is enough for us to have regular updates, but not too much so we can have time to do other things as well. Should demand warrant more, and, should the strip start to generate a little revenue, we'll discuss increasing the frequency with which we create this. Twice a week is enough for us also to gauge whether or not it will be popular enough for us to keep things going for a while. So much of this depends on you, our current and future fans.

We do have plans to print these strips on paper, whether it be through a regular floppy or a more infrequent book format. We love working on SubCulture, and hope you all will enjoy the ride with us.

Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Webstrip Officially Launches February 26!

Stan and Kevin have been working hard on new strips, and they are tickled to announce that the first new strip will launch February 26th, and new strips will follow every Tuesday and Friday. In preparation, the first six promotional strips, done last summer, will be rerun and serve as the first in what we hope to be a long, continuous streak of new material. Hope you join us!

Sunday, February 15, 2008

SubCulture to be Strip in ComicsNOW! Magazine!

Beginning with issue 3 of ComicsNow! Magazine, SubCulture will be a regular strip. Stan and I are hashing out the particular, do we want the strip to be in color? I would love to get everyone's take on this--should we go with the norm and have the strip in black and white as the comic series, or should we do something a little different and have the strip in color, similar to what Danielle Corsetto is doing with Girls With Slingshots? Keep up with all the action at

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SubCulture Named Indy Series of the Year by!

The good folks over at have given SubCulture one of their year-end Fanny awards as Best Indie Series of 2007. To quote the site: "One of the best stories I have read in years, SubCulture is a book like no other. No super-powered superheroes. No horror or sci-fi. Writer Kevin Freeman and artist Stan Yan's SubCulture is just a book about the all-too-real life of the comic book geek. Think "Clerks" for the comic book set, or "The Breakfast Club" for the comic book bunch. If you can't honestly see something of yourself somewhere in SubCulture, you must not be a true Comic Fanatic." See it for yourself here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SubCulture Named Indy Series of the Year by!

The good folks over at have given SubCulture one of their year-end Fanny awards as Best Indie Series of 2007. To quote the site: "One of the best stories I have read in years, SubCulture is a book like no other. No super-powered superheroes. No horror or sci-fi. Writer Kevin Freeman and artist Stan Yan's SubCulture is just a book about the all-too-real life of the comic book geek. Think "Clerks" for the comic book set, or "The Breakfast Club" for the comic book bunch. If you can't honestly see something of yourself somewhere in SubCulture, you must not be a true Comic Fanatic." See it for yourself here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

SubCulture to become Webstrip!

Stan and Kevin have agreed in kind to continue SubCulture as an ongoing, twice-a-week webstrip. This frequency could increase, depending on the ultimate popularity of the strip and sales, via advertising or merchandise, that is generated as a result. Stay tuned for a site update. Look for strips beginning the first quarter of 2008!

Click here for Archived Announcements and News


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